Dan Serafini Bar Rescue-d
So I’m watching this week’s episode of Bar Rescue (don’t judge), and the bar owner getting rescued is former Red (among others) Dan Serafini. According to the show, Serafini lost the $14M he made in baseball due to bad investments and divorce. Now he has mortgaged his parents’ house to open The Bullpen at Aspen Glen in Sparks, Nevada. As per usual, Jon Taffer has to deal with a hot mess of a mismanaged bar. But the name Serafini fired some of my synapses. I remember being in the press box as this guy just signed from the Mexican League was now starting for the Reds. Per a Wikipedia scan, sure enough Serafini was signed by the Reds on August 25th of 2003 and started the next night vs. the Milwaukee Brewers. What I didn’t remember is that Serafini went on to pitch in Japan and was suspended 50 games by MLB in 2007 after testing positive for steroids.