Walk, Joey, Walk!
I admit it. As a Reds fan, there’s nothing more aggravating then Joey Votto working a walk with runners in scoring position so he can pass the buck to Brandon Phillips. Or worse. It’s even more aggravating when he works a strikeout looking on a borderline pitch with runners in scoring position. Still, the math is the math. And you can’t go against the math. Joey Votto should walk.
The Sporting News says Joey should walk.
Numberfire says Joey should walk.
Since the debate first raged in 2013, the following have said Joey should walk:
It’s starting to become a cottage industry (Note to self: check GoDaddy for JoeyVottoWalks.com). However, none of this will make Marty Brennaman happy. And if Marty ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. Not even CJ Nitkowski.