Weekly Sports Analytics News Roundup – January 10th, 2017
Football: Football Outsiders publishes ALEX: Season Review. FiveThirtyEight on How The Atlanta Falcons Offense Went From Good To Great.
College Football: FiveThirtyEight on how to Make College Football Great Again. Cross-Sport Recruiting Effects in NCAA D1 Football and Basketball from the Journal of Sports Economics.
Baseball: FanGraphs on whether Home-Field Advantage Is Becoming Endangered. Tom Tango’s StatcastLab: Park Impact. The Hardball Times with A Good Start: Analyzing Rookie of the Year Awards. FanGraphs lists 2016’s Best Pitches Thrown by Starters. Baseball Prospectus looks at Ground-ball Hitters and Going the Other Way. FanGraphs looks at How Agents Negotiate in an Analytical Age. The Hardball Times Compares the Rapsodo Baseball Device to Other Pitch Trackers.
Basketball: FiveThirtyEight on What’s Behind All These Crazy NBA Stat Lines. Nylon Calculus says the Warriors’ new defense is different, but still very good. FiveThirtyEight says The Milwaukee Bucks’ Mediocre Record Is Hiding A Dangerous Team. Nylon Calculus’ Week 10 in Review: A new spin on assist stats.
College Basketball: Ken Pomeroy writes that Basketball hangovers are difficult to diagnose.
Soccer: StatsBomb on Pep’s Struggles, Rashford vs Abraham, and Teasing xGChain. American Soccer Analysis MLS Combine Player Profile Crash-Course. StatsBomb asks Are the mid-table Premier League sides weak this season?
Your moment of R: BaseballWithR with code for Game Duration Exploration with Game Log Data. FiveThirtyEight releases its own R package.